Ost-Turkestan, dess städer och floder samt några samlade uppgifter om landets folkmängd och administration till missionärernas tjänst

[Eastern Turkestan, its Towns and Rivers, together with some Information about the Population and Administration of the Country at the disposal of the Missionaries]

By G. Raquette

This publication is a cyclostyle-print.

Two years after it had appeared from the Swedish printing-office in Kashgar, this piece (1907:1) was translated into French by H. Bourgeois from Belgium. The new title was Notes sur l’oroghraphie, les villes, la population et l’administration du Turkestan Oriental. It was printed in 1909 by Bruxelles Typo-Lithographie Générale at Place de la Maison Rouge. See Bourgeois’ translation here.


Kashgar prints

Publication 1907:1

Author: Raquette, Gustav
Language: Eastern Turki
Place: Yarkand
Publisher: S.M.P
Year: 1907
Pages: 2 + 26