Юго-западная Туркмения: земли сарыковъ и салоровъ

Yugo-zapadnaya Turkmeniya: zemli sarykov’’ i salorov’’

South-Western Turkmeniya: the territories of the saryk and salor populations

 П. М Лессаръ / P. M. Lessar’’

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Юго-западная Туркмения: земли сарыковъ и салоровъ Лессаръ, П. М / Lessar’’, P. M.


Author: Лессаръ, П. М / Lessar’’, P. M.
Language: Russian
Place: St. Petersburg
Year: 1885
Pages: 80



Map of south-western Turkmenia

Map of south-western Turkmenia 1885