The Marmara Sea (or The Propontis) (1828)

Map of Marmara Sea or The Propontis 1828

The present map from Vzglyad’’ na evropeyskuyu Turtsiyu i okrestnosti Konstantionopolya written by M. Ladyzhenski in 1828, shows the northern part of the Marmara Sea (or with the ancient Greek name, Propontis) and the Bosphorus strait separating the European and Asian continents. It is a pencil-sketched map with place names indicated along the coasts of the Marmara Sea, the Black Sea, the Bosphorus and on the European main land. Another map in the same appendix covers the European areas governed by the Ottoman Empire in 1828.

See also:

Vzglyad’’ na evropeyskuyu Turtsiyu i okrestnosti Konstantinopolya (1828)
Взглядъ на европейскую Tурцию и окрестности Константинополя въ топографическом и военном отношении съ присовокуплениемъ описания главнейшихъ постановлений оттоманской империи Ладыженски
European Turkey (1828)
Map of European Turkey 1828