The Marmara Sea (or The Propontis) (1828)

Map of Marmara Sea or The Propontis 1828

Przevalskij’s expedition to East Asia, 1871-1873

Przevalskij’s expedition to East Asia, 1871-1873

Carte ethnographique du Kohistan (1878)

Carte ethnographique du Kohistan 1878

Carte ethnographique du district de Kouldja (1878)

Carte ethnographique du district de Kouldja 1878

Carte ethnographique du Ferghanah (1878)

Carte ethnographique du Ferghanah 1878

The western and southern parts of Kashgariya (1885)

Map of the western and southern parts of Kashgariya 1885

South-western Turkmenia (1885)

Map of south-western Turkmenia 1888

Eastern Turkestan and the northern territory of the Tibetan Plateau (1895)

Map of Eastern Turkestan and the northern territory of the Tibetan Plateau 1895

The Cherchen oasis (1896)

Map of the Cherchen oasis 1896

Keriya River (1896)

Map of Keriya River 1896

Przhevalsky Mountain (1896)

Przhevalsky Mountain 1896

Altyn Tagh & the Cherchen River (1896)

Altyn Tagh & the Cherchen River 1896

Konche River (1896)

Konche River 1896

Bagrash-Kul Lake (1896)

Map of Bagrash-Kul Lake 1896

Central Tian-Shan (1904)

Map of Central Tian-Shan 1904

Eriwan [Yerevan] and Göktscahi [Sevan Lake]; Lake Urmia (1905)

Map of Eriwan Yerevan and Göktscahi Sevan Lake ; Lake Urmia 1905

Kojun Daghi and other islands in Lake Urmia (1905)

Map of Kojun Daghi and the other islands in Lake Urmia 1905

Map of Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan) marking each oasis on the main trade route across the Gobi Desert (1927)

Map of Sinkiang Chinese Turkestan marking each oasis on the main trade route across the Gobi Desert 1927

Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan and part of outer Mongolia (1933)

Sinkiang Chinese Turkestan and part of outer Mongolia 1933

Sinkiang (1939)

Map of Sinkiang 1939

Sogdia, Bactria, Parthia, Pamirs, the Aral Sea, etc. (1942)

Map of Sogdia, Bactria, Parthia, Pamirs, the Aral Sea, etc. 1942