Carte ethnographique du district de Kouldja (1878)
This is an ethnographic map of the region of Kulja from the scientific report Le Kohistan, le Ferghanah & Kouldja: Expédition scientifique Française en Russie, en Sibérie et dans le Turkestan (1878) written by Charles Eugène de Ujfalvy de Mezö-Kovesd. Along with three other ethnographic maps depicting different areas of Russian Turkestan, and some twenty tables with anthropological data of the inhabitants of these regions, it accompanies a detailed account of anthropological and ethnographic research conducted in Russian Turkestan in 1877. The different ethnicities to be found in the Kulja district are marked in red with a table to the right giving the number of inhabitants for each ethnicity. Towns and villages along the Ili River and the capital of Kulja are shown in this map.